

Frequently Asked Questions about MIAM Charitable Trust

1. What is MIAM Charitable Trust?

MIAM Charitable Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to various charitable endeavors, including animal care, animal rescue, book donations, food donations, and education sponsorship. The organization’s mission is to provide access to quality healthcare, education, and nutrition, with the overarching goal of creating a better world for all. The Trust works to promote animal welfare, provide access to veterinary care. It also works to empower women and children, providing educational opportunities, health services, and economic empowerment programs. Through its various initiatives, MIAM Charitable Trust seeks to create a more equitable, just, and sustainable world.

2. Who founded MIAM Charitable Trust?

MIAM Charitable Trust was founded by Nitu Joshi, who is also the owner of the organization. Nitu Joshi believes in the principles of “manavta” (humanity), “sanskar” (values), and “sanskruti” (culture) as the guiding motto of the trust.

3. What are the primary activities of MIAM Charitable Trust?

The trust engages in a variety of charitable activities, including but not limited to:

  • Animal care and rescue: Providing shelter, medical care, and rehabilitation for animals in need.
  • Book donations: Distributing books to underprivileged communities and schools to promote education and literacy.
  • Food donations: Providing nutritious meals to the hungry and food-insecure individuals and families.
  • Education sponsorship: Supporting the education of children from marginalized backgrounds by covering their educational expenses.

4. How can I contribute to MIAM Charitable Trust?

There are several ways to support MIAM Charitable Trust’s noble cause:

  • Monetary donations: You can make a financial contribution to the trust to support its various initiatives.
  • Volunteering: Offer your time and skills to assist with the trust’s activities, such as animal care, distribution of donations, or organizing events.
  • Donation drives: Organize donation drives in your community to collect books, food items, or other essentials for the trust.
  • Spreading awareness: Help raise awareness about MIAM Charitable Trust and its mission among your friends, family, and social circles.

5. How can I stay updated with MIAM Charitable Trust’s activities?

You can stay updated with MIAM Charitable Trust’s activities by following its official website and social media pages. Additionally, reading to the trust’s Blog will ensure that you receive regular updates about its latest initiatives, events, and success stories.

7. Does MIAM Charitable Trust provide tax benefits for donations?

Yes, MIAM Charitable Trust issues tax receipts for all donations made to the organization. These receipts can be used for tax deduction purposes as per the prevailing laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. All Donations to MIAM Charitable Trust are Eligible for 50% Tax Exemption u/s 80GGA – Income Tax Act in India

8. How can I contact MIAM Charitable Trust for further inquiries?

For any inquiries or further information about MIAM Charitable Trust, you can contact the organization through its official website, email, or phone number. The trust’s dedicated team will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. All contact details you will find on our Contact Page.

A Note from the Head and Founder – Nitu Joshi

MIAM Charitable Trust and Nitu Joshi earnestly encourages and invites you to join in their mission of making a positive impact on society. By contributing your support, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, you become an integral part of the effort to create a better world for all. Your participation not only helps in addressing crucial issues like animal welfare, education, and hunger but also fosters a sense of community and compassion. Together, we can work towards building a more inclusive, caring, and sustainable society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.